Megh Prajapati publishes in ACS Biomaterials

Congratulations to Megh Prajapati @megh_prajapati for his work published in  @ACSBiomaterials (…) in the specific degradation of lubricin in synovial fluid for cartilage  lubrication. @CornellBME @CornellEng #Cartilage #SF By a novel mucin-specific approach, these findings reveal key trends in joint lubrication that help us… Continue Reading

Alikhan Fidai publishes article in JOR Spine

Congratulations to Alikhan Fidai @Khancepts_ on his article published in @JORSpine exploring a flexible material (FPLA) for mechanically augmenting tissue engineered intervertebral discs (TE-IVDs) in a porcine model @CornellBME @CornellEng @ORSSpineSection This work highlights the importance of selecting a material with greater elasticity to prevent… Continue Reading