Hamilton Young joins Bonassar Lab
We are delighted to welcome Ph.D. student Hamilton Young to the lab and team #DrugDelivery! @CornellBME
We are delighted to welcome Ph.D. student Hamilton Young to the lab and team #DrugDelivery! @CornellBME
Congratulations to Alikhan Fidai @Khancepts_ for receiving the Cornell Provost Diversity Fellowship! This competitive dissertation completion award is designed to advance the Graduate School’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion @CornellBME @CornellOISE @CornellGrad
Congratulations to Megh Prajapati @megh_prajapati for his work published in @ACSBiomaterials (https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsbiomaterials.4c00908…) in the specific degradation of lubricin in synovial fluid for cartilage lubrication. @CornellBME @CornellEng #Cartilage #SF By a novel mucin-specific approach, these findings reveal key trends in joint lubrication that help us… Continue Reading
Another @BMESociety meeting in the books! Thanks to the conference organizers and presenters for a great time in Baltimore #BMES2024
The Bonassar Lab is thrilled to share our work at #BMES2024 in Baltimore! Check out the presentations below to learn about the ongoing work in our lab @BMESociety @CornellBME @WeillCornell @HSSBiomech
Congratulations to @AshleyCardAlv for being awarded the Cornell Graduate Student Travel Grant! This funding will enable Ashley to train with @RobbyBowles on CRISPR editing cells for intervertebral disc regeneration.
So excited to see this article (https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2024/09/lab-patent-undergrad-creates-smart-syringe-bioprinting…) in @CornellNews about our work developing a smart syringe for bioprinting with support from @CornellEng through a gift from @CornellMAE alum @BillNye. @CornellBME #bioprinting
Congratulations to Ashley Cardenas @Ashleycardalv for winning the 2024 @RoosterBio Development Award for her proposal titled “MSC Mitochondria for the Treatment of Degenerative Disc Disease.” This award will provide $10K in RoosterBio cells and reagents to support her work.
Congrats to Steven Ayala and @SalmanOMatan for their paper (https://doi.org/10.1002/jor.25960…) in @JOrthopRes demonstrating that lubricant degradation increases cartilage cell damage. @CornellBME @CornellEng #Cartilage
Congratulations to Alikhan Fidai @Khancepts_ on his article published in @JORSpine exploring a flexible material (FPLA) for mechanically augmenting tissue engineered intervertebral discs (TE-IVDs) in a porcine model @CornellBME @CornellEng @ORSSpineSection https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/jsp2.1363 This work highlights the importance of selecting a material with greater elasticity to prevent… Continue Reading