Julia Bellamy


B.E. in Engineering Sciences, Dartmouth College, 2023

B.S. in Physics, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, 2022

jrb527@cornell.edu | LinkedIn





Julia is a 2nd year PhD student studying bioprinting optimization of collagen.



  • Meyer, C. R., Bellamy, J., & Rempel, A. W. (2024). Subtemperate regelation exhibits power-law premelting. R. Soc. Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 480 (2290), 20240032. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspa.2024.0032
  • Bellamy, J. R., Rubin, B. R., Zverovich, A., Zhou, Y., Contoreggi, N. H., Gray, J. D., McEwen, B. S., Kreek, M. J., & Milner, T. A. (2019). Sex and chronic stress differentially alter phosphorylated mu and delta opioid receptor levels in the rat hippocampus following oxycodone conditioned place preference. Neuroscience Letters, 713, 134514. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2019.134514
  • Randesi, M., Contoreggi, N. H., Zhou, Y., Rubin, B. R., Bellamy, J. R., Yu, F., Gray, J. D., McEwen, B. S., Milner, T. A., & Kreek, M. J. (2019). Sex Differences in Neuroplasticity- and Stress-Related Gene Expression and Protein Levels in the Rat Hippocampus Following Oxycodone Conditioned Place Preference. Neuroscience, 410, 274–292. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroscience.2019.04.047


Undergraduate Posters and Presentations

  • Bellamy, J; Greenman, L. Computational Prediction of the Structure of Coulomb Exploded Molecules. Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP), Boston University, Boston, MA (2023)
  • Bellamy, J; Mateo Medina, L; Halfman, J.; Dumitriu, I. Image Analysis for Detecting Harmful Algae Blooms in the Finger Lakes. Research Talk. Systems and Technologies for Remote Sensing Applications Through Unmanned Aerial System (STRATUS), SUNY ESF, Syracuse, NY (2022)


Honors and Awards

Presidential Life Science Fellowship, Cornell University, 2023

Clare Boothe Luce Fellowship, Dartmouth College, 2021

Tau Beta Pi and Phi Beta Kappa member



Julia grew up in NYC and completed a dual undergraduate degree in Physics at Hobart and William Smith (HWS) Colleges and Engineering Sciences at Dartmouth College. Julia was heavily engaged in NASA’s RockSat-C program, where she designed a sounding rocket payload to study effects of light radiation in the upper atmosphere. She continued her undergraduate research into novel biomaterials at the Dartmouth Biomedical Engineering Center (DBEC) for Orthopedics. In her free time at Cornell University, Julia enjoys playing rugby, watching movies, and traveling.